Planning & Management (P & M):
- To maintain an appropriate database for the district this may be required for various planning exercises aimed at the UPE/UEE/NLM goals and for monitoring progress towards these goals.
- To provide technical assistance to educational authorities in (i) school mapping (ii) Micro planning for UPE/AUEE in an area specific and target group specific manner, (iii) formation and activation of school complexes, schools etc., and (v)Institutional evaluation.
- To serve as the nodal branch in relation to all programs of community involvement in basic education, and in particular, to conduct orientation programs for members of DBE, VECs, community leaders, youth and other voluntary educational workers.
- To act as the nodal branch for preparing quin-quintal and annual institutional plans and annual self evaluation reports for the DIET, and for liaising with DBE.
- To provide P & M related inputs into all other programs/activities of the institute e.g. pre-service and in-service programs for teachers, training programs for NFE/AE personnel, Field Interaction activities, Action Research etc.