In-service programs, Field Interaction and Innovation Co-ordination (IFIC)
- To assist educational authorities in planning and coordination of in-service education programs for elementary teachers throughout the district, and to plan and coordinate such programs held in the DIET, Pursuant to this, the Branch would...
- Identify training needs of elementary teachers in the district, and prepare a perspective plan for meeting such needs,
- Prepare an annual calendar of all programs to be held outside the DIET, and
- Help concerned authorities in preparing an annual calendar of in-service programs to be held outside the DIET.
- To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficiency of in-service programs held in and outside the DIET, and to strive for their continuous improvement.
- To maintain data base of all persons, except NFE/AE personnel, who undergo training at the institute and to organize follow-up activities pursuant to such training, through correspondence, visits, transmission of printed materials.
- To serve as a reference and resource centers for teachers who wish to continue their education.