1. Training and orientation of following target group: elementary school teacher (both pre-service and in-service education) . Head masters, Heads of complexes and officers of education department up to block level. Instructors and supervisors of non-formal and adult education. Members of DBE (district board of education) and Villages education committees (VECS), community leaders, youth and other volunteers who wish to work as educational activities. Resource persons who will conduct suitable programme for the target groups.
2. Academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education systems in the district in other ways, e.g by extension activities and interaction with the field , provision of services of a resource and learning center for teachers and instructions, development of locally relevant materials teaching aids, evaluation tools etc., serving as an evaluation center for elementary schools and programmes of NFE/ AE. Action research and experimentation to deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult education.