Educational Technology (ET):

  1. To develop in collaboration with concerned staff of the DIET and other resource persons, simple, effective and low-cost teaching aids for various subjects/areas relevant to elementary education and elementary teacher education-charts, diagrams, models, photographs, slides, audio tapes, play scripts, songs etc.
  2. To help the DRU in developing low cost teaching aids as above, for adult and non-formal Education.
  3. To maintain the following:
    • All A.V. equipment's of the Institute
    • Computer Lab
    • A display area for good, low cost teaching aids developed in house as well as elsewhere and,
    • A library of educational video/audio cassettes and, if the Institute has a film projector of films.
  4. To lend slides, cassettes and films to institutions having playing/projection facilities, and to borrow them from others Resource Centers.
  5. To liaise with nearby Radio station for arranging educational broadcasts suitable for elementary school children, AE/NFE learners, teachers/instructors of the district.
  6. To conduct appropriate in-service programs for teachers in the area of ET, with special emphasis on: . Effective utilization of educational broadcasts, telecasts, cassettes and aids, and a. Development of simple, low cost teaching aids.